いよいよ来週よりFUCT USAよりSUMMERラインが立ち上がります。このラインについては、実にアメリカ側といろんな会話がかわされました。ご存知の通り、FUCTのグラフィクは90年代初期からエッジの効いたメッセージとしてアメリカだけではなく、全世界の若者に大変支持され、今に至っていると思います。
Lying directly across the border from the US city of El Paso, Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico’s northern State of Chihuahua, is known to most Americans as the scene of the world’s most violent conflict outside of a declared warzone. But it wasn’t always that way.
There was a time when Juarez was a place where teenagers from El Paso went to grab a drink before they were of legal US drinking age, where one could take a 10 minute walk across a bridge and experience a party wilder than anything at home. Whether you were looking for a red light district experience or just an easy night with friends, Juarez was a place with just enough of an edge to be exciting, but not so much that you ever felt at serious risk. The violent explosion of the US/Mexico War on Drugs destroyed that aspect of old Juarez, and nearly everything else as well.
Prior to the mid-90's the vast majority of the Colombian cocaine supply arrived in the US via the Caribbean, loaded on to boats on the Colombian coast, dropped off in Miami and disseminated throughout the country. After the death of Pablo Escobar and the DEA’s effective shutdown of his Caribbean smuggling network this all changed. Once mere middlemen between the Colombian cartels and American noses, Mexico’s drug cartels rose in importance massively. The smuggling routes they controlled (called "plazas) were worth billions and their ownership was constantly disputed. By 2006, with Felipe Calderon’s military being deployed to quell the violence, most of Mexico’s north began to resemble a warzone. It was the worst in Juarez.
Always a busy entry point into the US, Juarez was a cash cow to the old families who controlled its’ drug trade. Surpassing even Tijuana, Juarez was the most active point of entry for drugs on the border. It wasn’t long before various factions of Mexico’s drug cartels went to open war over the most valuable plaza in Mexico.
The violence peaked in 2011. Long before dubbed the world’s murder capitol, Juarez was averaging 13 murders per day. The horror was unimaginable. Group killings, public executions, bodies hung from bridges, human heads left with notes attached warning rivals to get out. The population was too terrified to respond and the police force was either bought off or in fear of their lives. Rather than being a salvation, the military only contributed to the problem, committing rampant human rights abuses and provoking more cartel violence.
The US was little help. Not content to simply fuel the conflict with our massive drug consumption and easy access to weapons, the Operation Fast and Furious scandal revealed that the ATF was actively supplying the cartels with weapons. Supposedly to track their progress through Mexico and aid the Mexican forces in capturing more villains, the net result was thousands of “lost” weapons that only turned up at murder scenes throughout Mexico.
In 2012 the violence in Juarez subsided moderately. Rumors went that Mexico’s most powerful drug cartel, the Sinaloa, had won the plaza. There were also widespread rumors that the incoming President, Enrique Pena Nieto, had the clout to make a behind the scenes deal with the Sinaloa to keep violence down. Despite the drop in murders (now roughly 4 a day) Juarez is still an incredibly dangerous place. Public shootouts are still common, the murder rate is still one of the highest in the world and every single one of Juarez’s 1.5 million people still live under enormous strain.
In coming up with this season’s line we wanted to show 2 sides of Ciudad Juarez, not only is it a city famous for violence, drug smuggling and illegal immigration, but it’s also a place full of normal people living normal lives. Some pieces are satirical, some are a little dark, but they are all a reflection of daily life in this city.
Shooting this lookbook we were exposed to same dangerous places and situations, but we were also exposed to some amazing people who seemed genuinely touched that we came not to write stories of killings and violence, not to buy drugs or drink, but simply to say document their struggle and try to have a bit of fun. We left that city feeling so excited, and I can only hope that the people we met there felt a little of the same.
We want to pay homage to Juarez, we want to bring attention to the situation and we want to acknowledge that we as Americans share a huge part of the responsibility for the sad state of this beautiful city, and indeed, this beautiful country of Mexico.
Nos vemos pronto Juarez,
J.R. Ewing,Adam Rossiter & Tyler Stringfellow
シウダー・フアレス(Ciudad Juarez)。今回のテーマとして選ばれたこの街は、アメリカ・エルパソから国境を越えてすぐのメキシコ・チワワ州の街です。アメリカ人が「戦争地帯を除くと世界で最も危険な都市」と恐れる街。しかし、以前はそんな街ではありませんでした。
アメリカ合衆国はほとんど手を下しませんでした。自国のドラッグ大量消費と容易な武器調達を背景に、アメリカはこの抗争に火を注ぐだけでなく、ATF(アメリカ司法省のアルコールたばこ火器爆発物取締局)が実行した "Fast and Furious" 作戦で、アメリカの武器がメキシコの麻薬カルテルに提供されていたことが明らかになりました。元々は銃を売ってその後を追い、銃の最終使用者の場所を突き止めて麻薬組織を摘発する、という作戦だったはずが、結果として何千丁もの武器が紛失し、それがメキシコ中の殺人現場で使われることになったのです。
Nos vemos pronto Juarez,(フアレスよ、また会おう)