"I used to carry a 357 as a shoulder holster almost every place I went. A lot of people would just fight it out but, I dunno. Most all your bikers always had knives. They'd pull 'em out and that was a way of ending things. If I had to pull my gun it was either you wanna get shot or you wanna call it quits now?
Back then I was gonna be the ruler. Play by my rules...or don't. Back in the 70's you did what you had to do. You wasn't gonna lose, even if it meant getting your ass whipped and then coming back and doing it again and again but you wasn't gonna lose. Sooner or later...that what it's all about. As a biker, we're not gonna lose. Somehow, some way, I'm gonna beat your ass..."
Jerry Thorpe
Ex-President Venice Chapter Heathens MF