Serbs and Italians can be vicious people. Add alcohol, a love for decades of decadence, debauchery, drugs, sex and cartoons…and you get the FUCT Follies! Erik Brunetti & everyones favorite Crip Walkin’ Serb, Vladimir Kato, Have teamed up once again to rub the world the wrong way with this new FUCT design, aptly titled; FUCT FOLLIES. During a recent press interview Mr. Brunetti was quoted saying, “I did not get into this business to make friends, I have plenty…I can count them all on one hand.” During the Toronto Film Festival, where Vladimir Kato was spotted shopping a deal of the animated feature for the FUCT Follies, he was explaining; “great things happen when two friends get together and drink absinth, I don’t understand why Hollywood won’t back this cartoon, it’s got everything, drugs, sex, nazi’s, naked women, gangstas, more naked women, naked women dressed as bunny rabbits…etc”…Well, I guess the t-shirt will have to do for now.

Vladimir Katoはカナダのトロントに拠点を置くアーティストで、Erikの友人です。彼はTopshelf Motherfuckerにもグラフィックを提供しています。下は彼が2005年に描いたErikの肖像画です。